For those of you who don't know what the title is referring to... SHAME ON YOU!!!!! That line is eagerly shouted from one of the Seven Pontipee Brothers, the youngest- Gideon. Who is Gideon Pontipee? Oh My!!!! He is from the outstanding musical, "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers." If you haven't seen it, you need to stop what you are doing and go watch it...right now.
It is the tale of seven brothers who live in Oregon. From the oldest to the youngest they were Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim, Frank(short for Frankincense. All the boys' names are alphabetical and from the old testament), and Gideon. After Adam marries Milly, the younger brothers want wives as well. This is the hilarious tale of how the brothers get those wives.
I have seen this movie so many times throughout my lifetime. It is definetly a classic!!!!!!
God Bless 'til I get back from Beeton-ton!!!