The iconic pair, the witty duo...Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. These two were just... WOW... It is like they belonged to each other from the moment they were born. They just fit together. I don't know how else to explain the chemistry between this actor and actress....
If you don't know what the title is referring to, it is looking back on the amazing film that these two made together, called "Adam's Rib." Of course, that wasn't the only movie the two made together. they made nine all together, I believe. Adams' Rib was made in 1949 and is the story of two lawyers, married to one another. As I can't simply try to explain this movie, I will simply show you the article that wikipedia has on the movie...
Doris Attinger (Judy Holliday) follows her husband (Tom
Ewell) with a gun one day and sees that he is having an affair with another
woman (Jean Hagen). In her rage, she fires at the couple multiple times. One of
the bullets hits her husband in the shoulder.
The following morning, married lawyers, Adam and Amanda
Bonner (Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn) read about the incident in the
newspaper. The two argue over the case; Amanda sympathizes with the girl,
particularly noting the double standard that exists for men and women regarding
adultery, while Adam thinks she is guilty of attempted murder. When Adam
arrives at work, he finds that he has been assigned the case (on the side of
the prosecution). When Amanda hears this, she seeks out Doris and, to Adam's
dismay, becomes her defense lawyer.
Amanda bases her case on the belief that women and men are
equal, and that Doris had been forced into the situation through her husband's
poor treatment. Adam feels she is showing a disregard for the law as there should
never be an excuse for such behavior. Tension increasingly builds at home as
the couple battle each other in court. The situation comes to a head when
Amanda humiliates Adam during the trial, having her female witness pick him up,
and Adam later storms out of their house. When the verdict for the trial comes
in, Amanda's plea to the jury to "judge this case as you would if the
sexes were reversed" proves successful, and Doris is found not guilty.
That night, Adam sees Amanda and their neighbor Kip (David
Wayne), who has shown a clear interest in Amanda, together through the window.
He breaks into the apartment, pointing a gun at the pair. Amanda is horrified,
and says to Adam "You've no right to do this, nobody does!", which
satisfies Adam as he feels he has proven his point about the injustice of
Amanda's line of defense. He then puts the gun in his mouth, to which Amanda
and Kip scream, but Adam merely bites down on it—the gun was made of liquorice.
Amanda is furious with this prank, and a three-way fight ensues.
The couple is reluctantly reunited for a meeting with their
accountant, where they talk about their relationship in the past tense. They
soon become sad when talking about the farm they own, and realize how they love
each other. They go to the farm, where Adam announces that he has been selected
as the Republican nominee for County Court Judge. Amanda jokes about running
for the role as the Democratic candidate.
God Bless 'til I get back from Beeton-ton!!!!